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SIMBa: Using Generalized Monomial-Cartesian Codes to obtain new Quantum Codes


Dimecres 19 de juny se celebrarà una xerrada del Seminari Informal de Matemàtiques de Barcelona (SIMBa).

Conferenciant: Beatriz Barbero Lucas.
Universitat / Institut de recerca: University College Dublin.

Data: Dimecres, 19 de juny de 2024.
Hora: 13:00, pausa pel cafè; 13:20, xerrada.
Lloc: UB (FMI aula IA) i Zoom.
Idioma: Anglès.

Títol: Using Generalized Monomial-Cartesian Codes to obtain new Quantum Codes.

Resum: Quantum computers are a great tool to attack some intractable problems for classical computers, such as the prime factorization problem and the discrete logarithm problem. However, quantum computer implementations have higher error rates than classical computers, making reliability a challenge. That is where Quantum Error correction codes come into play. In the first part of this talk I will give an introduction to error correcting codes, in particular to evaluation codes, in order to later understand the good properties of the new quantum codes that we obtained from the Generalized Momonial-Cartesian codes that we have proposed. This talk is based on the paper with F. Hernando, H. Martín-Cruz and G. McGuire.