Blog de la Biblioteca de Matemàtiques i Informàtica

Novetats revistes electròniques 17/04/2024

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Tot seguit trobareu algunes de les revistes que tenim subscrites o d’accés obert, amb números publicats aquests darrers 3 mesos.

Des del Cercabib podeu consultar totes les revistes de l’àmbit de les matemàtiques i la informàtica, ja estiguin subscrites pel CRAI o siguin d’accés obert.

The American mathematical monthlyAnnales scientifiques de l’École normale supérieureThe Annals of applied probabilityThe Annals of probability
Applicable algebra in engineering, communication and computingBernoulliComptes rendus mathématiques de l’Académie des sciences = Mathematical reports of the Academy of ScienceComputing
Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. Series SDuke mathematical journalFuture generation computer systemsInternational journal of computer vision
International journal of computer visionJournal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized ComputingJournal of Commutative AlgebraJournal of differential geometry
Journal of mathematical logicJournal of strategic information systemsMedical image analysisQuality and user experience
The Rocky Mountain journal of mathematicsSoft ComputingSoftware testing, verification & reliabilityStatistical science
Theory of computing systemsTopological methods in nonlinear analysisTopology proceedingsWeb Intelligence

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